ERawP version 1.1.0 is available for download for different operating systems from this page.


Click here to download the program as an installer. The installer copies the executable file to the Programs folder and it creates a menu link. This is the recommended download for normal users. The installer is digitally signed by “FSoft s.r.l.”.

Click here to download the program as a zip file. The archive contains the executable file: this option is reserved to users who have the technical skills needed to directly use this file.


The Linux versions are available as an archive containing the executable file. Just extract the executable and save it in a folder.
The program is compiled in an old distribution so it should work on any modern Linux distributions.

Click here to download the 32 bit version.

Click here to download the 64 bit version.


Click here to download the OS X 64 bit version. You will download a dmg file: just open it and look at the readme file.